I recently came across a term I hadn't heard before, "crisis fatigue" Crisis fatigue occurs when our ability to be resilient (or "bounce back") is flooded with an ongoing series of intense, energy-consuming or traumatic experiences. As best as I can tell, it's a form of burnout. Crisis fatigue, like burnout, is a response to ongoing and intense stress, like that faced by people trying to survive war or armed conflict, economic or financially stressful conditions, political instability, natural disasters, or - yes - a pandemic. Based on what I'm hearing from my colleagues and patients, many of us are facing crisis fatigue. | Photo Credit: Nataliya Vaitkevich, from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/matchsticks-on-pink-surface-6837623/ |
I thought for a while about whether or not I wanted to write about this, because there are so many armchair psychologists who are ready to explain and point fingers in regard to Robin Williams' suicide. Today, however, after hearing some of my clients' reactions and after hearing some of the things said in the media about it, I feel that I have something to say that might be helpful.
Mr. Williams' struggles with depression and addiction are well-known, and it's very easy to point fingers and say, "that was what did it." I've heard variations on that theme all day, most of them said with the attitude that nothing could help it. One radio host even went as far as to say, "He was beyond help. He was too far gone." I nearly had to pull my car off the road after hearing that, because I was so angry. I work all day with people who struggle with those feelings and with the pain and hopelessness that goes along with them. To hear a DJ blithely blame the victim was nearly too much for me. NO ONE IS "BEYOND HELP;" AND NO ONE IS "TOO FAR GONE." I can't emphasize that enough. I think I mentioned this story in another post, but I'll tell it here again because I really like the analogy. This was written by a teenage girl who had been dealing with chronic depression. She wrote that it starts with having a bad day. Everyone has bad days, though, right? You don't think about it too much, and go on living your life. Ok, so you have a few more bad days mixed in here and there, but again - everyone has bad days, so it's nothing to really worry about...Then you realize that you're having more bad days than not, but you don't want to think about it because it might jinx you and bring on more bad days - everyone knows that if you let it get to you, then it gets worse, right? So...finally you realize that the bad days are winning - you feel awful, life doesn't seem to have a whole lot of purpose and the future looks bleak. You realize that the beast has caught up with you again, and that you're depressed.
Depression feels like a heavy weight, a wet blanket, and day upon day of lousy weather all rolled into one. AND, it's more than that. To use the example of an antidepressant commercial, depression hurts in a lot of ways - physically, emotionally, mentally, and interpersonally. You feel rotten, it's hard to think clearly and/or move, life sucks and nobody around you seems to understand or care, or care enough. You feel like things will never change or get better. It's bleak. I'm not going to lie and say there's an easy way out - there isn't. Honestly, what I've found works the best is a combination of medication and psychotherapy, and I'll tell you why. From what I've seen, it's like fixing a house with a cracked foundation. Having the foundation cracked doesn't mean that the house is broken or useless - far from it. It means that some repair work needs to be done, and that the house can be and is worthy of saving. So...to begin the repairs, you first have to shore up the house, right? Using medications is like shoring up the foundation - it helps get the biological, chemical piece working again so you can get at the root cause and work on that. That's where psychotherapy comes in. Even if there is no deep, dark past to examine, therapy can help you figure out what triggers depression for you, how to recognize it and the warning signs, how to cope when it hits, and how to let other people know how to help you. Therapy also gives you a chance to really let loose and talk about what it's like to feel and deal with depression - with someone who's not going to judge you, tell you to "pull yourself out of it," or try to fix your problems for you. It will give you someone to talk to, who's got some training in how to deal with it, and can help you develop and practice skills for dealing with it. Now, that said, I realize that for some people depression is more biochemical than anything else - therapy can help you too, though - in the ways I mentioned above. If you do happen to have things in your past that are affecting your mood, therapy will almost certainly help you with that - but you don't have to have had trauma, abuse, or other painful past experiences in order to benefit from therapy. Ok, before I start sounding too much like an informercial...what can you do on your own? As trite as it sounds, I usually recommend that people start at the beginning. Accept the reality that you're dealing with depression. For some people, that alone is a huge step - there is still stigma out there about "mental illness" and many people don't understand what depression is, or how it affects you. So, accept reality and then realize you have a choice in how you're going to deal with it. (Yeah, I'm taking a page from my DBT training - radical acceptance again!) Dealing with depression takes a LOT of energy. Depression is a condition that saps your strength - emotionally and physically. It feels sometimes like you're trying to slog through thick, sticky mud and is every bit as exhausting. You can choose, though, whether you're going to stay in it or not, and there are consequences either way. Choosing to try to move out of it means choosing that you're going to move, even if it's just a little bit. It's a form of opposite action. It may mean something as simple as getting up and taking a shower, or making yourself go outside for a few minutes.I tell the people I work with that I don't underestimate how much of an accomplishment getting out of bed is. It might be the only major movement someone has made in days or weeks. Moving may mean more - calling a friend, a doctor, or someone you trust and asking for help (and believe me, I know that's HUGE.) Either way - if you're going to choose to deal with it, it means YOU have to do something. And, as I always say (and mean), seeking help really is a sign of strength, and not a weakness in any way, shape, or form. Moving - and then moving consistently are important parts of this process. If you choose not to deal with it, then you have to be willing to take those consequences - it may mean that someone else has to make decisions for you, if you're not able to do so. It may mean giving up some control so that someone can get help for you...it may even mean hospitalization for some. One thing I want to make crystal clear here is that I don't think that being hospitalized is shameful. In fact, I believe that it's helpful, and that getting well and being able to function is the goal - and I realize that there are many of you who disagree with me, and I respect your right to do so. After all - I'm not walking in your shoes. However, if you're not able to or are unwilling to make decisions for your care - or if you're self-harming or threatening to self-harm, hospitalization is a possible outcome for your safety and well-being. The point of all this is that I'm assuming you don't want to deal with feeling depressed. You can't control what's coded in your genes, but you can choose how you're going to deal with it. And I'm not saying that positive thinking, affirmations, etc. are going to magically pull you out of it. These may help, but depression is a lot more complicated than just negative thinking. You can choose to shore up your foundation with meds, or you can choose not to. You can choose to use therapy, or not. You can choose a combination of the two - the point is, you have a choice. When you're in the throes of a major depression, it may not feel like you have any choices, or that no matter what you do it's not going to work. This is where you have to use your active trust - your emotions are not necessarily giving you the best information, and you may have to let your head overrule your heart on this one. Get help if you need it, and help yourself. Depression is nothing to be ashamed of, any more than kidney disease or diabetes is. It's a treatable condition, and there is hope. Does getting help mean it's going away for good? For some people, maybe...for others it means that the beast is pushed away again for a while, but will keep following you. For you...well, learning about your triggers, symptoms, etc will help you. Learning this stuff also helps you feel more in control and stronger - nice side effect, huh? One great program, developed by a lady who both does therapy and has bipolar disorder is called the "WRAP program." WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is a system that helps you recognize your triggers and symptoms, and put into place a plan to help yourself feel better. If that plan doesn't work, WRAP also helps you develop a plan that tells who you want involved in your care, how you want to be treated, and who can make decisions for you. It's a great system, and Mary Ellen Copeland (the creator) has some great articles on her website: www.mentalhealthrecovery.com. The purpose of WRAP? "Getting well and staying well." Copeland is also the author of several wonderful self-help books/workbooks for coping with depression and manic-depression - her work is widely respected and used. (I highly recommend her books both to clients and non-clients.) So, bottom line is that even if it feels like there is nothing you can do or that nothing you do works or has an effect, there ARE things that will help. Talking to a therapist (heck, talking to someone you trust, period!), working with medications, using some great self-help resources, and your own strength all help. (And yes, you ARE strong - it takes a lot of energy to deal with this!) Cognitive behavioral therapy is one route that seems to help a lot of people - Copeland's books actually use a lot of CBT-style work. DBT skills help too - trying them won't hurt, and you have a lot to possibly gain. Just remember - you're not alone, even if it may feel that way. There are many, many people who are dealing with and have dealt with depression. I have tremendous respect and admiration for those of you dealing with this, whatever the root cause may be. It takes a lot of energy and strength, and pulling yourself out takes even more. You're not alone - really. As Always: Please Note: The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, or are thinking about hurting yourself, please call 911 for immediate help. Please, again, realize that seeking out help really IS a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness. You don’t have to be alone in facing these things – there are people who care and who will help. Email me at: [email protected] Emotions are weird. They have a way of changing so fast we hardly know what hit us, and they can change our outlook on a situation, person or perception nearly as quickly. It helps to remember that as much as our emotions affect us, they do not define us. We are more than our emotions.
A few months ago, I struggled with this. I was feeling down - I was being impatient and it seemed like nothing was going right. Now, if you've been reading these blogs, you know as well as I do, that this is not the case. Red Flag #1 - feeling down about things does NOT mean that the feeling is reality. Ok, good enough - and I was still feeling lousy. So, I thought...if I were the client, what would I be doing in therapy? (Yeah, I know... I'm a therapy geek.) Most likely, I'd be looking at the situation and testing out whether my emotions were really reflecting reality, or whether they were masking reality. How do you do this? Marsha Linehan has a really cool tool that she uses in DBT called "chain analysis." You start with the event, behavior or situation that was the problem. In my case, I looked back to when I started feeling down, and the even had nothing to do with what seemed to be the situation. I was feeling lonely on the afternoon before, because I couldn't reach my family members to talk. That spiraled into feeling somewhat depressed. Specifically, I remember thinking, "I guess no one wants to talk to me. I might as well not exist." Red Flag #2: I was getting caught up in "Stinkin' Thinking." In doing a chain analysis, you identify the event/situation that started the problem, describe the event, including what you were feeling and/or thinking at the time or what you did as a result of what you felt, and then describe how intensely you behaved, thought, or felt. In my case, the loneliness, sense of failure and depression were pretty strong. I ended up thinking, "I"m never going to be able to do this. I might as well just quit." Red Flag #3 - Stinkin' Thinking again. The idea here is that you want to describe all this in as much detail as you possibly can. Here's a good litmus test: Could someone recreate *exactly* what you went through? If so, then you've done it. Next, you describe what led up to the feeling, thoughts, or behavior. In my case, not being able to talk to someone was the situation. This "precipitating event" (also called a "prompting event") is usually what we point to when we say that "such and such" caused the problem. From here, you do a detailed description of all the things that affected the situation - Linehan calls them "vulnerability factors." In my case, I was tired from not sleeping well, I still had an annoying cough from a cold and didn't feel well, I was stressed by all the details stemming from running a new business as well as being worried about several emotionally intense client situations. I was overwhelmed, tired and not feeling good. I was also feeling emotionally exhausted by family situations and childcare issues. Ok, here's where chain analysis gets tedious - you describle in minute, excruciatingly clear detail the chain of events - starting with the all the way at the beginning with precipitating event(s) and going all the way to the consequences. Ok - here goes: I called my mother and got her answering machine. I then called each of my sisters in turn and had the same result. I started feeling like I didn't matter. I called my husband, who was out at the park with our kids, and he didn't pick up. I started feeling depressed, and went to work on my task list for this week concerning my business and the paperwork I had to complete. Looking at the things I had to do, I felt overwhelmed and incompetent, and felt more depressed. I remember thinking, "Why bother?" and which led to a deeper negative mood. The consequences were that I was not present when my husband did come home and wanted to talk. Right then, I just wanted to be left alone to marinate in my own misery. At that point, I recognized what was going on, and took steps to counteract the mood. The last step in the process is to describe in detail a prevention strategy and what you are going to do to repair negative consequences that resulted from your behavior or mood. In my case, my prevention strategy was stay mindful of my moods and to write. Writing in my journal, for me, is a safe place to vent and analyze what's going on. When I write, I feel better and so that's a good strategy for me to use. I can also go for a walk, and/or do something artistic. I could take a bubble bath, or have a hot cup of tea. Those are all things that help me - developing a list of what helps you will help you have something to turn to when you get feeling low. Nurturing and caring for yourself really IS important and necessary. Luckily, the interpersonal consequences here were small. I went upstairs and apologized to my husband, and explained what was going on. I also told him that I needed some extra time to myself to write and sort out the depressed feelings. If you're interested in more information on doing a chain analysis, you can go to a great website called DBT Self Help (www.dbtselfhelp.com) to get an idea of what this might look like in therapy or in practice. This website has an incredible array of tools, worksheets, handouts and articles. Hope this helps - DBT helps with a lot of things - I highly recommend looking into it. Even if you don't go for it, learning about these coping tools and other tools available to you can help you get through these tough situations. As Always: Please Note: The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. Please, again, realize that seeking out help really IS a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness. You don’t have to be alone in facing these things – there are people who care and who will help. Email me at: [email protected] Have you ever noticed how something small can be a "tipping point" that changes your day from "good" to "bad" in an instant? It can be a critical comment from someone at work, or a family member saying or doing something that makes you pause and think, "Wow...that was out of line." It can be something impersonal, like getting flipped off or cut off in traffic because someone else is in a hurry and not driving carefully...there are any number of things that can really mess up our day, and leave us feeling drained, irritated and/or angry, and feeling like everything's going downhill.
Frankly, it sucks. We've all been there, and know what it's like. I'm not going to lie and say I never get stuck in it. It's easy to let things add up and take over, and may feel like we're riding a wild, out-of-control, roller coaster. So, what do you do? Well...as usual, there are some answers and tips from the therapeutic couch that may help. These aren't necessarily the only things you can do, or "THE ULTIMATE COSMIC ANSWER" - rather, they're things you can try to help YOU feel better. Unfortunately, there's no magic wand to change the world around you, and we can't make your husband/kid/boss/coworker/"idiot on the road" change. That's just beyond our control. (In therapy I sometimes take a kid's pretend magic want, whap it on the table or chair and say, "See? It's broken - it doesn't work! NOW what do we do?") Well...now what do we do? The first thing, in my experience, is to try and separate yourself from what's going on. You can't make your boss be nice, or make that person on the road or in the grocery store be polite and reasonable. You can't make your family members stop making comments about your appearance. However, you can set up some good boundaries and realize that you don't have to allow them to get you upset. I'll fully admit, though - some situations are easier to do this with than are others. Easier said than done, isn't it? Trust me, I know - from tons of personal experience myself. And yet, it's important to know what's your stuff and what's their stuff. (Remember the definition of a boundary? It's where you end and I begin.) Eastern faith traditions call this compassionate detachment - you can look at what's going on and realize (or even say to yourself) that "this is what's going on for him or her. If I have something to apologize for, I can do it. But their anger or their irritation is NOT me." It sounds a little weird, I'll admit. And it does take practice to become a habit. But if you think about it, it's incredibly freeing to realize that you're not responsible for someone else's anger, or even their feelings in general. Now, don't get me wrong - certainly what we say or do affects the way other people feel - this isn't a "get out of jail free" card to say or do whatever you want. In fact, our actions can be the tipping point for someone else - so it pays to watch what you say and do as well. Anyway - realizing that you are separate from someone else's emotional reaction can help you deal with what's going on in a more rational "wise mind" kind of way. (If you don't know what "wise mind" is, see the post for DBT Skills, Part 1 ) So, knowing what's you and what isn't you helps. Another trick from the DBT bag is to try "opposite action" - this is where you do the exact opposite of what you want to do (part of the DBT Emotion Regulation skills). I know...it sounds hard, and it is. When you want to spit back a sarcastic response, you instead say something nice. "Thanks for your input. I hope you have a great day from here on." It might be the last thing in the world that you want to do - and it does help. You'll have to trust me on this one - but think of it this way - if nothing else, it confuses the heck out of the other person! Another thing to do is just take a quick breathing break - practice distress tolerance skills (another DBT post: Distress Tolerance Skills) or relaxation and stress reduction skills: breathing, distracting yourself, self-soothing (a coffee or tea break can work wonders), a little bit of exercise (say a walk at lunch), or anything that helps you feel better (and doesn't harm anyone - including the person who ticked you off to start with ;p ). All these things can help. Finally - all the CBT stuff I talked about earlier will also help. These may not completely turn around your day, but they can help you feel better. The key point is to remember that you don't have to let someone else's bad mood or bad day ruin yours. So...have a great day, and remember that someone out here is rooting for you! Please Note: The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. Please, again, realize that seeking out help really IS a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness. You don’t have to be alone in facing these things – there are people who care and who will help. Email me at: [email protected] I've been thinking lately about how things are going here in our world, and I know that life doesn't always fall into these neat little packages, situations, diagnoses - whatever way you can think of to make life seem "simple." Right now, life is tough - financially and societally. Pensions and 401-Ks, the ones that still exist anyway, are pretty much looted and worth (at best) half of what they were. The job market reeks. These are tough times. The world we were raised in, or the world in which our parents were raised- where job loyalty meant employer loyalty, a handshake could really seal a deal, and where anothers' word meant something - just doesn't exist anymore. Life, and the world around us has changed.
And yet I'm finding that even with the hardships and overall socially negative mood, there is hope. We are, overall, a resilient people. We endure, we work, and we survive. We have hope that things won't always be this way - that's what keeps us going sometimes. I see people helping each other in parking lots, or stopping to talk to a little child. I see smiles and sharing at the parks I take my kids to. And I see things that money could never buy, like cerulean blue skies and fields bursting with the color of wildflowersa or the smile of a child and the music in the wind. Resiliency, in my field, essentially means the ability to bounce back and thrive. I, like all of us, face situations that feel overwhelming. For many years, I was passive and simply gave up and let things happen. Not anymore - I'm going to not just bounce back, but I will thrive. I'll admit I'm scared at times. I'm scared of failing, of financial ruin, of not being good enough - things we ALL feel at one time or another. AND, I'm not going to just bounce back, I'm going to thrive. I am NOT going to let these things stop me. Resiliency is as much stubborness and determination as anything else - we decide that we are NOT going to let the "tough times" win. I have an "art journal" that I've kept for the last few years - many pages say, "I AM going to get through this," "I am smart enough and prepared enough to do this," or "I'm NOT going to give up." It's not very artistic, but it IS a creative expression of my will and my resiliency. Remaining hopeful in the face of unrelenting discouragement is hard, but not as hard as surviving some of the situations that my friends, clients, and co-workers face. I try to remain hopeful not just for myself, but for them as well. These are tough times - and honestly, I use every trick in my therapist's bag of tricks to get through sometimes. That's also why I'm sharing them with you - even if they don't cure all the problems, they can help you cope or feel better and have hope in the face of everything that's hard, tough, and discouraging. I go back and read some of my favorite self-help/inspirational books - stuff by Sark, Jennifer Louden and books like "Feel the Fear - and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers. Another favorite is "Broken Open" by Elizabeth Lesser. I talk with other people who have been through what I'm facing - it helps to know it CAN be done, and HAS been done. It might be tougher right, and there might be more obstacles - but it's still possible. We are a resilient people. And we don't have to go it alone. We can be there for each other - and it doesn't have to be therapy. It can be a smile, or a "good job" or an encouragement like, "I know you can do this." It can be a compliment, or an understanding - we don't HAVE to get mad when the checkout line at the store takes forever. We can tell the cashier, "it looks like you've had a long day. I hope it gets better." The power of each other is us, folks...we can choose to help each other, or not. I can tell you, though - it's a lot easier to hide than it is to stick our necks out, AND it's a lot easier to be resilient when we're there for each other. We don't have to go it alone - that's a powerful statement. We are NOT alone, and we won't BE alone. There are people who care, and there are people who want to help. Sometimes reaching out and asking is the scariest and hardest thing - we're risking rejection and hurt when we do. And...we don't have to go it alone. Seriously - say it: "I don't have to go it alone. I am NOT alone." It's a powerful, inspiring, comforting thought. And if you're feeling alone - write me. I know what it's like and I'll write back. You - yes, YOU - are not alone. Really. That's what the power of each other is all about. Please Note: The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. Please, again, realize that seeking out help really IS a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness. You don’t have to be alone in facing these things – there are people who care and who will help. Email me at: [email protected] Due to the length of this post, I am dividing it into two sections for readability. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected].
During my training, I developed an analogy I'm going to share with you here. Using medication and therapy together is like working to fix a house with a crack in the foundation. The first thing you have to do before you fix the crack is shore up the house, right? Using medication is like shoring up yourself - it takes care of the biological and chemical aspects of what is going on. One thing I want to emphasize - these medications are not addictive! They help stabilize you and bring you up to feeling normal, NOT feeling "high." From there, you work to fix the crack in the house - this is where the therapy piece comes in. If you try to fix the house by shortcutting either one of these steps, guess what? The foundation is going to stay cracked, get worse, or possibly break again. Using both tools (medication and therapy) will help you heal the foundation and make your house - you - stronger by helping you learn to recognize problems and deal with them in a way that keeps you healthy and whole. With these things in mind, there are things you can do to help yourself as well. Among those things are some of the techniques I mentioned earlier in the "Coping with tough times" posts. The difference here is that there is a slightly different focus. When you are dealing with recovery from trauma and/or PTSD, anxiety and fear are huge issues that don't simply "go away." When you're working with anxiety, self-soothing to reduce the anxiety, worry and fear that you feel is crucial. So, the same things I mentioned before: listening to relaxing music, meditating, journaling - whatever you find soothing and helpful that does NOT become hurtful - will help some. The cognitive - or "thought" - piece that's different is that you want to recognize and acknowledge the emotion specifically related to the trauma or experience - "Ok, I'm really anxious and feel like I'm coming apart at the seams. What is behind this anxiety? Am I afraid that <insert whatever traumatized you> will happen again?" If that is the case, asking yourself, "how likely is it that it really will happen again?" may help. In some case, the likelihood might be high - you'll want to work on what you can do to protect and shelter yourself if that's the case, and working with professionals in many fields (police, medical, psychological) may be part of that process. In other cases, the likelihood of the event reoccuring may be low - in that case, reassuring yourself that you're safe, that you're doing everything you can to keep yourself safe may also help. Please - again realize that you don't have to do this alone. The support you'll receive from a good therapist can really help you feel better. Another area in which you may want to work involves your boundaries. Especially for those of you who were victims of abuse, rape or other traumas where your physical and emotional boundaries were violated, setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucially important AND very hard work. For those of you who are in situations where your boundaries are still being violated, setting and maintaining healthy boundaries may threaten the person violating them - for you, I would strongly recommend seeking the support of a professional in working on these issues, creating a safety plan, and having an escape ready if necessary. You will need support and possibly protection, and working with a professional - whether it's a medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, or clergy - will help you get the physical and mental protection and support that you need. Do not hesitate to call 911 if you need help! Learning to set boundaries takes practice and work. I've done completely separate posts on working on boundary issues, but for now, let's first discuss what boundaries ARE. The basic idea here is that a boundary is something that separates you from everything else. Your skin is a boundary between your insides and the outside world, and protects you from injury. Likewise, psychological boundaries are the ways that you know you are separate from everyone else around you. To quote the title of a popular book on boundaries, they are "where you end, and I begin." ("Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin" Anne Katherine). Another book described boundaries this way: "They define what is me, and what is not me" ("Boundaries" Henry Cloud & John Townsend). When your boundaries are violated, you are being told "it doesn't matter who you are, what you want, or what you need. What I need or want is what counts, and I'm going to take it whether you agree or not or whether you say no or not." For many of us who have experienced trauma, our boundaries have been severely violated and compromised; this leads to a sense of helplessness, fear, anxiety and/or depression. The best thing you can do at this point is first realize that your boundaries have been violated (and that you have a right to even HAVE boundaries), and from there, work on realizing what they are and how to set and maintain them. This, as I know from experience, is hard work. Working on boundaries though, also helps you work on and deal with trauma. By building boundaries, you are saying that you have the right to be whole, the right to control who and what has access to your body, your thoughts, and your feelings. Dealing with trauma also involves understanding and working with your feelings. Emotions can be very frightening and very threatening sometimes, especially if they are powerful or intense, like anger/rage, depression, or anxiety. It may feel like they are going to engulf you, drown you, and/or never end. This is where envisioning the emotion as a wave can be helpful (see the previous post for more information.) If you feel you can't stand it, that you are going to do something harmful like cut yourself, hurt yourself or someone else - get help - call 911. If you're not to that point - do something that will help yourself - call a friend (or sponsor if you're in a 12-step program), distract yourself if it helps, write it out, something that will help you. The thing is, the emotion WILL pass, and you WILL survive it. In "dialectical behavior therapy" - one of my areas of expertise - we teach people some skills for "emotional regulation" and "distress tolerance." These skills help people deal with the overwhelming sensations that their emotions are going to engulf them. What I've described for you in the coping skills post are some of those skills. I will write more about DBT in coming posts, as it is a very helpful system for dealing with trauma, emotional storms, and coping in general. Trauma is also isolating - we may feel that we're all alone in this, or that we'll be punished or embarrassed if we talk - a common phrase I've heard is "we don't air our dirty laundry to others." The thing is, the "dirty laundry" that is being aired is often the very stuff that is traumatizing. Opening up - say, in the context of a trusted relationship or a support group, can be the most healthy thing you can do - you'll find out you're not alone, and that other people have experienced similar things. You may feel like you don't belong, or that you're alone, or that you're somehow "damaged" - being with other people who have experienced similar things or with someone you trust can help you see that you're not damaged and not alone. The final thing I want to say at this point, is have a safe space. Someplace where you CAN relax - at least a little - and feel safe just being and healing. This might be your bedroom, a special spot in nature, going to your place of worship, or even just creating a safe spot in your mind, wherever you happen to be. While you're in this safe space, breathe slowly and deeply. This is part of learning to soothe yourself, and is part of healing. If you experience triggers related to your trauma, get help if you need it - take care of yourself! If you don't need immediate help, do what it takes to get through it. Please Note: The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. Please, again, realize that seeking out help really IS a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness. You don't have to be alone in facing these things - there are people who care and who will help. Due to the length of this post, I am dividing it into two sections for readability. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected].
I've had several people over the past few days contact me and tell me about trauma-related incidents. First of all, for those of you who did contact me, thank you for trusting me. I respect you for your strength, and want you to know that your trust in me and your confidentiality is and will be honored. That said, it seems that the posts around coping may have opened a door for talking about how to deal with trauma and PTSD. For those of you who don't know much about PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) beyond what you've heard about veterans, let me fill you in. PTSD is a reaction to dealing with extreme or long-standing traumatic stress. The classic example we most hear about is that of soldiers experiencing PTSD as a reaction to the horrific things they witness in combat and/or military activities. I'm NOT going to minimize those experiences at all - from what we've heard in the news, PTSD is - if anything - on the rise especially in current military personnel and veterans of the recent actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, PTSD is also found in many people who experience other traumatic injuries and insults - both physical and psychological. Rape victims and victims of physical abuse may experience PTSD, people who are victims of emotional and psychological abuse also experience PTSD. The abuse or insult does not have to be an ongoing issue, either - people who have experienced a single episode of a traumatic event can also experience PTSD. Those involved in car or other vehicle accidents, victims of crimes, those who have had a family member hurt, those who have been victims of robberies or break-ins..the list of possibilities for who can experience this is nearly endless. Another thing to keep in mind is that what is traumatic and triggers PTSD in one person may or may not trigger it in someone else - we are all unique people with our own strengths and weaknesses and areas of resilience and vulnerability. So, what is PTSD? Generally speaking, to receive a diagnosis of PTSD, one must have "experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with" something that risked death or severe injury, or a threat to the someone's physical or psychological wholeness. The other major piece of this is that the person's response involved "intense fear, helplessness, or horror" (I'm quoting from our clinician's book of diagnosis information, the DSM-IV-TR). These are the two most basic things that have to be met. Beyond that, the trauma is re-experienced in a multitude of ways such as flashbacks, nightmares, not being able to get it out of your mind, or reacting disproportionately to things that remind the person of the trauma. In PTSD, the victim will also go out of her/his way to avoid things that remind them of the trauma, or may seem numbed or non-responsive to things that would normally cause a reaction. Finally, the person will experience other emotional and/or physical difficulties such as depression, difficulty concentrating or controlling their emotions, not being able to fall asleep, or startling at even little things. For true PTSD, these symptoms last longer than a month (in the cases of symptoms being less than a month, we call it "Acute Stress Disorder," but except for the duration of symptoms, they are generally the same thing.) So, if you've been dealing with something in your life that has triggered these symptoms, what do you do? The first thing I would recommend, honestly, is working with a good psychologist or therapist. As I've mentioned before (and firmly believe from experience as well as training), seeing a therapist and/or getting help really IS a sign of strength and of hope, NOT a sign of weakness. We have such an unfortunate stigma in our society - you are NOT "crazy" if you seek out help. If anything, you're showing how sane you are. These traumatic things that happen sap our strength, and test our abilities to function and live life - we have a right to be free of and heal from the traumatic things that happened, and a right to recover and live fully. Seeing your doctor about medications might help as well - I and many other people view using medication for anxiety, depression and other disorders as being the same as using medication to treat diabetes or heart disease. The main difference is that you're working with brain chemicals that you can't see. Otherwise, there is a medical aspect to these conditions and working on that as well as the psychological is important. Please Note: The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. Please, again, realize that seeking out help really IS a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness. You don't have to be alone in facing these things - there are people who care and who will help. Ok, so what do you DO if things are still tough? "Tough Times" can be found in relationships, financial troubles, work situations, family issues - a whole range of things. What's "tough" for you, may not be tough for someone else, and what's tough for them might not be for you. So, given that these things are different for different people, what are some things that pretty much everyone can use? First of all:
If you have been feeling down for two weeks pretty much every day and for most of the day, if you have thoughts of hurting yourself and/or others, or if you're having trouble functioning, please see your doctor right away - you may be dealing with clinical depression. If you are feeling that you might hurt yourself or someone else, please call 911. Please also realize that seeking help really is a sign of strength and belief in yourself and not a sign of weakness. As part of my training and my work with people in various situations in their lives, I learned a lot about coping skills - the fancy name for "learning to deal with it" - whatever "it" is. As you might imagine, this is a pretty important topic for therapists and their clients. And to be honest - I practice what I preach, and use these myself. There are a LOT of good self-help workbooks out there - I'll give a list at the end of this post - and these may help you structure your coping, if that's what you need. So - on to the meat of the post: Let's start with things that end up being harmful. Basically it boils down to two things: Stuff that gets you in trouble, and stuff that ends up hurting you and/or someone else. Stuff that gets you in trouble includes excessive drinking, using mind-altering substances, excessive spending, sex, gambling, not fulfilling responsibilities like going to work, etc. Stuff that hurts you and/or someone else includes: excessive eating or undereating, exercising too much or not enough, losing your temper and abusing yourself or someone else, physically hurting yourself or someone else, beating yourself or someone else up emotionally, getting caught up in or laying on guilt trips, calling names, insulting yourself or others, and talking or thinking in absolutes (like, "I'll never be able to get out of this hole" or "You always ruin my day"). If you're feeling out of control with these things, please find help for them, if for no other reason than it helps yourself and your loved ones. So what are the things that may help? First of all - when you're feeling down or really anxious, realize that emotions are like waves - they build up, peak, and then pass. This idea is not new; Marsha Linehan's "dialectical behavior therapy" uses this concept. To cope with strong emotions that really feel like they're going to knock you down, it can sometimes help to remind yourself that the emotion will not last forever, and that it WILL pass. You are not your emotions - your feelings are reactions to things in your environment. Just as your situations change, so will your feelings. For me, I visualize an ocean wave as it builds, swells, and washes over me. You might like this, or maybe a gust of wind - whatever works. The point is, the feelings WILL pass. Second, you can help the wave pass by distracting yourself. There are many things you can do - I work in my journal, create art, go for a walk, listen to calming music, surf the internet, etc. What you want to do is find something that will take your mind off the "down" feelings - it doesn't have to last forever, but distracting yourself will pay off, even if you only are able to distract for a few minutes. It's at least a few minutes that you weren't focusing on feeling "down" or anxious, right? There are an infinite number of ways to distract yourself - just use your imagination and see what you can come up with (and yes, this in itself is a distraction!) However, be careful with distractions - don't let them turn into "target behaviors" (the things that get you in trouble or harm you or someone else.) One thing is important if you're feeling "down" or super-anxious - do something positive for yourself every day, such as exercise, get involved in doing something you enjoy - a hobby or pastime - , enjoy some quiet time to yourself, etc. Treating yourself as you want other people to treat you (a twist on the golden rule) or as you would treat other people is very important - you really are worth the effort and deserve to be treated well. Third, try reframing your thoughts. This is admittedly sometimes a tough thing to do, especially when things feel hopeless or that a situation will never change or end. Sometimes working on changing your thoughts is a conscious effort; if you keep at it, hopefully the positive thinking will feel more natural. If you're having a tough time doing this, try writing down all the negative things you tell yourself and then contradicting them. Here's an example: With my work life, I admit to feeling like sometimes I'm spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere. I remind myself of what I've done (developed a private practice and found work with an amazing group of women at Beyond the Mirror), what I've achieved (my Ph.D., passed my licensing exam), and where I realistically am at (working on new content, expanding into new areas like life coaching, and applying my passions to my work) Reminding myself of the postives can help contradict the negative feelings. Many therapists recommend keeping a "mood diary" or "thought record" where you can keep track of the thoughts you have, the feelings associated with them, how you changed your thinking, and what the result of the change was. Again, if this works for you - if you need and/or want to see your progress - by all means do it. It can be very simple - a piece of notebook paper divided into four or five columns (if you want to include the dates), and simply keeping track. It can be more complex, for example setting up an Excel spreadsheet. Keep in mind that first, the very act of doing this at all is a distraction (being busy tends to distract us from our feelings) and second of all, productive because you're working on helping yourself. Mary Ellen Copeland, a therapist who deals with bipolar disorder, has developed some excellent tools for dealing with stress. She recommends creating a "wellness action plan" that includes 5 distinct parts: 1) Developing a wellness toolbox (similar to the coping skills described above) and keeping track of your moods and activities on a daily basis (the "Daily Maintenance List") 2) Listing the things that trigger feeling rotten and planning on ways to deal with those 3) Listing the "Early Warning Signs" of impending mood changes, and planning on ways to cut off mood changes BEFORE they get too bad 4) What to do when things are breaking down - how to deal with crisis situations: what the signs of this are, who to call/contact in case of an emergency, and how to deal with this when/if it happens 5) Developing a Crisis Plan: How to help other people know when you're in crisis, how other people can help you, and again who to contact Copeland's web site: http://www.copelandcenter.com has some excellent information and resources related to this program. She also has several workbooks in publication and again, I'll list those here at the end. There are also the things that we hear everyday from all kinds of experts: eat well and moderately, exercise regularly (this really DOES work to help moods, by the way), limit how much alcohol and other substances you put in your body, get enough rest and/or sleep, and see your physician if you're having problems in any of these areas to rule out physical/medical causes. Specifically getting involved things that are designed to be relaxing may also help. Again, listening to calming or relaxation music may help. Other tools include meditation, relaxing tense muscles/progressive relaxation (for example, tense and then relax each muscle group in turn, starting at head and working down), using deep breathing from your tummy (diaphramatic breathing) - all of these things (and more) help ease stress and help you cope with feeling in the dumps. The bottom line is that working to change your thoughts, helping yourself relax, and soothing yourself by doing things that make you feel better help you deal with feeling down. These aren't a be-all and end-all to always feeling down, or a sure-fire "cure" for the blues. They ARE things that may help, though, and are time-tested tools that have been shown to help. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me here or via email: [email protected] . I'll be happy to talk to you and listen to your input. Please Note: The information on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. If you wish to contact me, you can call (970) 776-6043 or send email to: [email protected] Resources: The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, 5th ed. - Martha Davis, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, & Matthew McKay The Depression Workbook, 2nd ed. - Mary Ellen Copeland Mind Over Mood - Dennis Greenberger & Christine A. Padewsky Today, I went for a walk. That might not seem like a big deal, but for me it was a change, and I’d like to share its importance with you. I moved, and that IS a big deal. I’ll explain why it’s a big deal in just a bit, so bear with me while I give you some background first.
Like many of you, I struggle in this economy. I try to be financially fair to the people I work with, because I realize that services like mine are expensive, and I want people to be able to get the help and support they need. This has been hard for me, though, because I struggle financially as well. I have been waiting for things to change, which brings me to the purpose of this post and the next few to follow. I’m finding that if I simply sit and wait for things to happen, I feel depressed, anxious and frustrated – and I’m generally not a pleasant person to be around when I’m feeling this way. A lot of us are like this - I know I'm not alone. So, I decided to change the way I’m looking at my situation and living my life. Here’s where coping with tough times and moving comes in. There are things I can’t control, like the economy, and the fact that many of the things I'd like to do in my business rely on people wanting what I have to offer. There are a multitude of things I can’t control, and if I focus on them, then it’s an easy slide down to feeling lousy. However, I CAN control myself and how I choose to react to this situation. After talking to people and experiencing unemployment myself, I know that it’s very easy to slip into feeling helpless, hopeless, and paralyzed about the future. There IS something I can do though. I can move. I can move my body, my mind, my feelings and my thoughts. Ok, I can hear some people groaning, “Oh no…another Little Miss Sunshine who thinks that if I think good thoughts, everything good will happen to me.” So… hang in here with me. I’m NOT going to promise that if you change your thoughts you will automatically attract good things. What I AM telling you is that if you work to change the way you’re thinking, feeling and being now, you may start to feel better. How do I know this? I do it. It's the simple - I practice what I preach. What I’m suggesting is that you move, somehow – even if it’s just getting out bed to face the day. Moving can be as simple as reframing your thoughts from “I’m never going to get a job” to “Things are tough right now. I’m doing the best I can.” Moving can be, “OK…I’m feeling pretty crummy right now and I have no money. What CAN I do to help myself feel better?” and coming up with ideas. Moving can be noticing the very little, simple things that make life worth living. For me, this is the smiles on my children’s faces and hearing their laughter. It’s feeling the sunshine on my face and noticing the colors and fragrances of the spring flowers. It's enjoying the feel of the wind on my face. For others, it might be the smell of a freshly-brewed cup of coffee, or the feel of your favorite blanket wrapped around you. The point is, moving – no matter how or how much – is a change that may help you start to feel better. And that’s why my walk today was so important – I moved. I moved my body, and while moving my body, I moved my mind. Moving my mind (thinking) helped me move my feelings. During my walk, I thought about what I have to offer – what are my skills and talents? What am I passionate about? I thought about how to share what I know with others who might be feeling the same thing. And I felt better about myself, in spite of my job situation. I thought about how to market myself, and what I can do to promote my business. In short, moving helped. SARK has made some worksheets that come from her book “Make Your Creative Dreams Real” involving what she calls “microMOVEments.” These involve taking baby steps toward creating and realizing a dream that you have. Whether you call them baby steps, micromovements, tiny leaps of faith – it’s still movement. The world isn’t necessarily going to change because you move (but who knows - maybe it will!). However, YOU may start to change because you move. Honestly, this post – and the idea of coping with tough times - came out of my desire to feel better. I am “moving” by writing and sharing my knowledge with you. I can’t change the world, but I can offer my skills and gifts as a way to help me feel better and to hopefully make a difference for others who feel like I’ve been feeling. I’m going to continue to write on ways to cope in tough times. If you have suggestions on topics you’d like to see, please get in touch with me: [email protected]. I’m always interested in feedback and ideas. For you? Move with hope in your heart and life in your soul! Please Note: The information on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. This is not therapy, and if you wish to work in therapy, please contact your local mental health agency or your physician for a referral. If you are in crisis or danger, please call 911 for immediate help. |
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